Monday, April 12, 2010

Changes in Milk Consumption,1950 to 2000, UAE

The graph compares annual consumption of low fat and whole milk in liters per person in the second half of the 20th century in USA. Overall, Americans drink much less milk now than at the start of the period.
The biggest change was the dramatic drop in total milk consumption. It fell from about 130 liters per person in 1950 to only around 90 liters five decades later. The second major was in the type of milk drunk. At the beginning, whole milk was more popular at 120 liters, but it fell sharply to about a quarter that by 2000. In contrast, the amount of low fat milk consumed shot up. It rose from roughly 10 liters in 1950 to five times that in 1980, when consumption was almost tied with whole milk.
In conclusion, the American diet with regard to dairy changes significantly over the time represented. Total consumption decreases but low-fat finally outranks whole milk.

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