Wednesday, April 21, 2010

U.S. Number of Farms & All Farm Workers (1910 – 2000)

The graph shows the comparison between farms and farms workers from 1910 to 2000 in the last century.
First, the biggest change was the dramatic drop in the total number of farms and farm workers. The number of farm worker fell from about 14 million people’s in1910 to only around 3 million in 2000. The number of farms fell from about 6 million in 1910 to only around 2 million in 2000. After the third decade the farm workers decrease only one million whereas the farms were almost the same. In 1950, the number fell by almost 3.5 million for the farm workers and about half million for the farms. After two decades from 1950-1970 the line graph shows major changes in both farms and farm workers. The farm workers fell from ten million to around four million and the farms fell by nearly four million. By the end of this century the two lines stabilized somewhere near three million for farm workers and two million for farms in 2000.
In conclusion, the overall trend shows a sharp decline in both farms and workers in the US over one century.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Miles travelled in Wales 1990-2005

This table gives/shows to us information about seven different forms of transportation in Wales in 1990 & 2005. Altogether, in 1990 people travelled 4,740 miles compared to 6,475 in 2005.
Starting with walking, 1990 has 255,000 miles, while in 2005 there was a small increase about only 3,000 miles. Bicycles were also used in that time, but there was no big change, it was only about one thousand miles between 1990 & 2005. But we can see there was a clear change with the car users. There was 3,199 thousand miles in 1990, but in 2005 there was 4,806,000 miles of travelled in Wales by cars. In other transports like the local buses we see it was opposite comparing with the three before, because the number of miles decreased in 2005 from 429 in 1990 to 274 thousand miles. In coach the miles 54 thousand, but in 2005 it’s more than double of the number of miles to 124 thousand. Trains in 1990 were about 289,000 miles and in 2005 the number was 366,000 miles. The taxi also increased from 13 to 42 thousand miles in 2005. Finally all modes of transporting in Wales was 4,740,000 miles and in2005 it’s increases to 6,475,000 mile
Overall I think the number usually increases day by day, but we must think of the future live to be safer for the environment and in transportations.

Changes in Milk Consumption,1950 to 2000, UAE

The graph compares annual consumption of low fat and whole milk in liters per person in the second half of the 20th century in USA. Overall, Americans drink much less milk now than at the start of the period.
The biggest change was the dramatic drop in total milk consumption. It fell from about 130 liters per person in 1950 to only around 90 liters five decades later. The second major was in the type of milk drunk. At the beginning, whole milk was more popular at 120 liters, but it fell sharply to about a quarter that by 2000. In contrast, the amount of low fat milk consumed shot up. It rose from roughly 10 liters in 1950 to five times that in 1980, when consumption was almost tied with whole milk.
In conclusion, the American diet with regard to dairy changes significantly over the time represented. Total consumption decreases but low-fat finally outranks whole milk.