Sunday, December 27, 2009

How petrol is made:::

Oil is an important source of energy. It is called a black gold. We can produce many things from oil, one those things is petrol. Now, in this essay, I am going to tell you in eight steps how petrol is made.

First, oil is located using a satellite to find it. Then, oil is pumped through pipelines to the storage tanks. Second, oil is refined into different products, including petrol. Then, petrol is stored in tanks. After that, petrol is transported by trucks to petrol stations. Then, the trucks are drained the petrol to underground tanks. Finally, petrol is pumped into cars tanks for using it to move.

In conclusion, producing petrol is not the easy job. It cost the country too much. So, use your car and your boat only for important things.

Writing a summary paragraph

The writing of a summary paragraph is the way that you read and scan the article to choose the main points to write the summary about it.

First of all you have to read and scan the article to get good ideas about the article. Then choose the main points for the summary. Second you have to list the summary points that you will write in your summary paragraph. You have to write the words and the verbs that you will use in your summary body. After that, use the summary paragraph to write the main idea. Finally, write your opinion about the article in two or three clear sentences. You should reread your summary and count the words.

From this summary paragraph that you wrote, the reader can know what that article is talking about in a short paragraph. After that you will get a good grade from your teacher for a well-organized and written essay.

Camel VS Horse

In the past there are no cars to ride on. humans used animals to travail from place to another.In this writing I'm going to compare and contrast between two kinds of those animals the camel and the horse.

There are many difference between them. The horse is surely faster than a camel, but it can't match up with the camel's stamina . That is why our grandfathers preferred camels to travail for such a long trip , since horses got tired fast , then it requires larger amounts of food than the camel . Thats why camels can fast for a couple of days without feeling hungry.

There are some similarities too. They are a quite old fashion of the life style that our grand grandfathers had, but those animals also used today for entertainment and for challenges . And for same people that can't forget about their past they keep them and raise them.

For a guy like me who lives in Al Ain can easily choose camels over horses because there are quite useful in the desert and for surviving the hardest weather. That's why I prefer camels to horses.

How Choclate is made

Chocolate has become one of the most popular flavors in the world. A lot of people enjoy it especially as a hot drink, do you? In some counties it is counted as the main commercial resource. In this essay I am going to write this process in my modest words.

First of all, beans which are grown in South America, Africa and Indonesia are brought as ripe red pods from cacao trees. Then, pods are harvested to get the white beans. After that, white beans are fermented to let them become tastier. After fermenting beans are spread in the sun letting they dry then they are put in large sacks and ready to be transported by a train or a lorry to the factory.
After they were taken to the factory, they will be first cleaned then roasted and then crushed that the outer part will be removed. Finally, the inner part is pressed and a pure chocolate liquid is produced.

Two-thirds of world’s cacao production is produced in Western Africa especially in Côte d'Ivoire and about fifty million people around the world depend on chocolate as a commercial resource. Also chocolate is a very lovely present for the Christmas.

How to make Jelly Beans

Most people like Jelly Beans and they can’t finish their day without eating them. Jelly Beans are delicious but it’s very hard to make, so follow these easy steps to make perfect Jelly Beans.
First, it is important to mix the sugar. Second, squirt the syrup into the moulds to create the center of the Jelly Beans. After that the Beans are going through a steam path sugar shower. In the next step put sugar on the outside layers. Repeat the process numerous times in a large jumbler. After coating the Jelly Beans, there is a quality control check to make sure only the highest quality Jelly Bean logo is stamped. At the end, back and ship before they are enjoyed.
You will love the taste and smell of your fresh Jelly Beans.

Fast food VS home-cooked meals

Most people eat at least one time a day. Some people like to eat fast food but others don’t eat until they reached home and eat home-cooked meal. In this essay I will discuss the similarities and differences between them.

There are some similarities between home food and fast food. One thing they both energize you with some calories that you can complete your day working on something. Another thing they both have a great taste so you can enjoy a good meal. In addition, you must pay for the both of them.
On the other side there are many differences. One, fast food is not as healthy as home food that’s why doctors do not recommend having it mainly. Two, home food could be controlled, that means you can add or take whatever you like depending on your healthy condition and what you prefer. Three, cocking at home with the family strengthens the relationship between the family members by sharing the work and food.

In my opinion, I would prefer eating home-cooked meal because it is healthier and more delicious than fast food.

Semester (1) English 125

Clockwise spins, the days pass and years go away as you see we are at the end of 2009 and the semester is about to finish. In this essay I want to put my comments on this course.
Overall this course was very successful for me. In this course I learned many new things that raised my skills like writing, reading and listening. Now I am able to write an essay that we compare between two things after we took compression writings. Also I can write an essay that gives you the steps of something you want to do, which are procedure and process writings. The two writings have some differences between them such as the tense, in process we must use the passive voice and the procedure writing which was in the present simple tense. At the beginning of this semester I did narrative writings which have to be in the past tense to continue a storey or write about something happen for someone in the past. Reading also was a very weak point for most of us at the beginning of the semester. At the beginning of the semester I had some difficulty with the time which was not enough but now I learn how to read faster. The first lessening was terrible for me because I thought that each part repeated twice same as foundation but it was not. Now I have the ability to understand and do well in exams.
As a conclusion, I want to thank our teacher Mr. Gregory who dealt with us as our big brother and he taught us many new things that will help us in our future.